Sunday, January 22, 2012

Once Upon a Wintry Day

Yesterday was so fun. I slept in. (A great part of a teenagers weekend!) At 9:30 I had play practice.  It was raining really hard when we got there... so hard that our stage roof started to leak. Lucky it was at the back, behind the set so there wasn't a big problem with all the buckets that just sat there. We experimented with our hair and make-up.  I love participating in drama cuz other people sit there and do my hair, so when i leave practice it is done up ten times nicer than when I got there. I recieved a great complement from my director after the rehearsal. She said I was one of few people who stayed in character the entire time I was on stage.  It was really nice to hear that my hard work is paying off.
Well after practice I headed home and worked on my chores.  I did two loads of dishes, cleaned up the basement from my date the night before, I straightened the upstairs kitchen, and I also vacuumed the basement.
I then took some time to relax, I made myself a snack and watch the new episode of White Collar.
The Adventure of the day really started when I went to go pick up my best friend so we could hang out.  The roads were kinda scary, I did feel very safe in my big four-wheel drive suburban but still.  I remember after sliding a little remembering that I had teammates and coaches out on the roads trying to get home. I whispered a little prayer for their safety and the safety of others out on the roads last night.
Well Bobbe and I got back to my house safely.  We made dump cake and played darts and then made sticky popcorn. Then we went outside and made a snow lady.  It was so fun. She has a rock necklace (made of little rocks and wood chips), a carrot nose, blue eyes (made of blue BYU chips), green earrings(made with leaves),  red lips(made with food coloring, which bleeds really fast), and a light blue hat and a brown sash. We spent an hour building and beautifying our wonderful snow lady.  We named her the First Lady.
At this point in time our plans were foiled. My dad wouldn't let us go deliver our treats. So we texted the friends that we were going to take them to and told them to come over to my house. Turns out I didn't use very good grammar because everyone was wondering what in the world I was talking about.  Well it took us almost an hour to get all the confusion straightened out. And by that point only one person could come over. So Kevin came over and we ate dessert.  It was very good.  I love Dump Cake.  We showed Kevin the First Lady, and then Bobbe had to go home so she could make it by curfew.
So like I said it was a crazy, wintry day.  It was full of yummy food and fun with friends.  I love being a teenagers.  I love the wonderful friends I have. I love snow!

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