Monday, March 22, 2010


happy birthday to me!!! i am so excited to get my driver's license and be able to drive without a parent in the car. Although i love spending time with my parents it is fun to be cool with myself. My mother gave a cool locket that you can see through. Inside are charms about me. I am also excited to start dating. It was really fun to ask my friend Nathaniel to MORP which was conveniently moved from the weekend before my birthday to the weekend after orchestra tour.
I love being 16 and feeling so cool as i drive around town running errands for my mother. it is a new experience and i am loving it. I really like driving the little camery and don't really enjoy driving the big subreban or the huge van, but when i get to drive i truly don't care.
We went and watched the new Alice in Wonderland for FHE on my birthday it was a very good movie. I liked it very much.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Driver's Ed

Well today I took my driver's test I got 91 and so when my Birthday comes I can go get my license if i have all my hours. Yeah!!!